

Jeremy Salmon Architect runs a small Brisbane practice with a particular enthusiasm for designing new houses and renovations. Since opening in 1993 our practice has completed hundreds of homes in Brisbane and South-East Queensland, including hinterland, beach and island houses. Several projects have also been completed in New South Wales, Victoria and North Queensland.

Jeremy Salmon Architect works closely with individual clients to create homes that are right for them. We are here to help you through the entire process, from establishing your brief and initial design ideas to detailed design, contract documentation, tendering, council applications, project construction, completion and beyond.

Your ideas, budget and lifestyle will be expertly integrated with skilled climatic design, translating your visions into a fulfilling reality.

Jeremy Salmon has unique experience with small houses and sustainable design, winning the Australian Institute of Architects’ Queensland state award for sustainable architecture in 2006. This is just one of the practice’s many projects that have been recognised by the Australian Institute of Architects’ awards program.

If you would like to know more please contact our office on 07 3217 7550 or info@jeremysalmon.com We are always happy to discuss your project and explain our service.

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